Chiropractor and Bone Setting CTM —Acupuncture ,Cupping,Massage,Bruises,Low back pain treatment,Headache Treatment,Shoulder and neck pain Treatment,Knee pain Treatment,Elbow pain treatment,Wrist pain treatment,Ankle pain treatment,Heel pain treatment,Back pain treatment,Cervical spine dislocation traetment,Foot pain treatment,Headache,Migraine,Torticollis,Neck Pain,Frozen shoulder,Tennis elbow,Golf elbow,Carpal tunnel syndrome,Low back pain,Sciatica,Disc Herniation,Bone Spur,Extremities Numbness,Osteoporosis,Scoliosis,Knee pain,Ankle pain,Degenerative osteoarthritis,Flat feet,Plantar Fasciitis,Pes Cavus,Hallux valgus,Metatarsalgia
Chiropractor Hong Kong price list
Chiropractor prices
Bone Setting Clinic,Acupuncture,Cupping,Massage,Bruises,Low back pain. reatment,Headache Treatment,Shoulder and neck pain Treatment,Knee pain Treatment,Elbow pain treatment,Wrist pain treatment,Ankle pain treatment,Heel pain treatment,Back pain treatment,Cervical spine dislocation traetment,Foot pain treatment,Headache,Migraine,Torticollis,Neck Pain,Frozen shoulder,Tennis elbow,Golf elbow,Carpal tunnel syndrome,Low back pain,Sciatica,Disc Herniation,Bone Spur,Extremities Numbness,Osteoporosis,Scoliosis,Knee pain,Ankle pain,Degenerative osteoarthritis,Flat feet,Plantar Fasciitis,Pes Cavus,Hallux valgus,Metatarsalgia.
Bone setting reduction, Chinese medicine refers to the treatment of fractures, dislocations and other diseases by pushing, pulling, pressing, and pressing. Osteopathy, the name of a specialty, is a specialty that diagnoses and treats injuries. It is also one of the “13 departments” of ancient medicine, and it is also called the Department of Traumatology or Orthopedics.
The target of bone orthopedics is mainly bone, joint and soft tissue damage caused by external forces, but also includes internal organ damage caused by similar causes. The word “zheng” is used as a gerund here. It is a science and technology to treat the limbs deformed and restored due to bone and joint injuries.
In the official medical system of the Yuan Dynasty, there was a “Bone Surgery and Jinji Section”. Therefore, Wei Yilin, a medical scientist who specializes in bone setting in the Yuan Dynasty, set up the “Bone setting and gold cutting department” in Volume 18 of his “Shiyi Dexiao Prescription” to specifically discuss the pulse and syndrome of bone and joint injuries and diseases caused by golden blades. rule. The “Yi Zong Jin Jian · Essentials of Bone Surgery and Heart Treatment” pointed out: “Today’s orthopedics is also the evidence of ancient bruises.
Goldthread, a platform of South China Morning Post Group, visited Master Bone Clinic(Tsim Sha Tsui Medical Clinic)
Bone Setting Service,Pain Treatment,Manual Therapy,Acupuncture,Cupping in Hong Kong
Cervical Spine Displacement
Spine Displacement
Thoracic Spine Displacement
Frozen Shoulder
Stiff Neck
Frozen Shoulder
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Chiropractor Tsim Sha Tsui
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Chiropractor Causeway Bay Master Bone Clinic Pain Treatment Centre (TCM)
中元堂(銅鑼灣醫舘)地址:銅鑼灣富明街1-5號寶富大樓3樓O室(么鳳樓上) Causeway Bay clinic address: Flat O 3/F, Po Foo Building, 1-5 Foo Ming St, Causeway Bay Google Map:
Chiropractor Mong Kok
Chiropractor Mong Kok Master Bone Clinic Pain Treatment Centre (TCM)
中元堂(旺角醫舘)地址:九龍旺角西洋菜南街1A號百寶利商業中心11樓02及03室(港鐵旺角站E2出口或港鐵油麻地站A2出口) Mong Kok clinic address: Room 2 & 3, 11/F, Pakpolee Commercial Centre, 1A Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong Google Map: