Is there a [backache] point which is good? Chinese medicine practitioners may use tendon manipulation, acupuncture, cupping, bloodletting, external application of Chinese medicinal ointment, oral Chinese medicine or Chinese medicine fumigation and other methods for treatment!
Acute lumbar sprain, commonly known as “flash to the waist”, refers to the general term for the waist muscles, ligaments, fascia, and facet joints that are twisted due to improper waist force, overweight or any reason. The clinical manifestations are characterized by sudden waist pain, restricted movement, and muscle spasms. It mostly occurs in young and middle-aged manual workers, or those who lack exercise in normal times, and suddenly engage in strenuous exercise without warming up. After a lumbar sprain, you may feel severe pain in the waist, especially when you cough, sneeze, and the abdomen is strained, such as bending over the waist, the pain will be aggravated.
Views of Chinese Medicine
A sprain is called a sprain when the waist is twisted or stretched, or the muscles are violently contracted, which damages the tendons and muscles around the joints. Acute lumbar sprains and sprains are often caused by indirect violence. If the qi and blood are blocked, the veins and collaterals are blocked, and the blood is not prosperous.
TCM orthopedics treatment TCM physicians may use tendon manipulation, acupuncture, cupping, bloodletting, external application of Chinese medicinal ointment, oral Chinese medicine or Chinese medicine fumigation, etc., depending on the situation, to clear the channels, promote blood circulation, relieve muscles and relieve pain The effect of qi and blood can help repair the muscles and muscles and relieve pain.
Pain treatment
Types and classifications of pain
Pain treatment
【Bone Spurs】
【Neck Pain】or【Training Short neck】
【Back Myofasciitis】
【Lumbar muscle strain】
【Shoulder Frozen】Fifty Shoulders
【Lumbar disc herniation】
Do I have long-term pain?
Master Bone Clinic has two branches, located in the core areas of Mong Kok and Causeway Bay.
Master Bone Clinic (Mong Kok Medical Center)
Mong Kok Medical clinic address: Shop 2 & 3, 11/F, Pakpolee Commercial Centre, 1A Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
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Whatsapp:852-61812812 直接whatsapp
Master Bone Clinic (Causeway Bay Medical Center)
Medical clinic address:Flat O 3/F, Po Foo Building, 1-5 Foo Ming St, Causeway Bay
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Whatsapp:852-56211314 直接whatsapp
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