分類: Treatment items

1! 2! 3! The most important thing to watch is to be fast and accurate! It is best to choose an experienced boner helper for falls and sprains. Master Bone Clinic has a registered Chinese bone-making master, we can come to provide bone-making services. The clinic is located in Mong Kok. Appointments are welcome.
Sports injuries are the most common cases of bruises in physiotherapy. They include muscle strains, muscle sprains, and sometimes due to inconvenience or severe pain that require home visits for bruises. In addition, there are of course skin abrasions caused by collisions, followed by falling sprains and being hit by foreign bodies. Among them, ankle sprains, or foot pain commonly known as Niao Chai, are most common among female guests. I often see ironing injuries in children and adults’ homes for treatment

Posted in Treatment items

Master Bone Clinic bone-setting doctors visit and night service

Master Bone Clinic M… read more Master Bone Clinic bone-setting doctors visit and night service

Posted in Treatment items

Master Bone Clinic’s 2020 Chinese bone-setting fees at a glance

疫症跌打收費2020年最新更新中元堂由註冊老中醫創立,傳承執業超過50年跌打敷藥,推拿手法。2020年香港想找【手法治療,中醫推拿,正骨,整骨,復位】服務很困難嗎? 中元堂跌打骨傷科幫到你! 附2020年最新價目表,收費清晰透明,中元堂幫到你手! | Tel / Whatsapp:852-61812812

中元堂跌打上門提供跌打酒跌打服務可到旺角, 荃灣, 大埔,九龍,港島,深水埗提供服務

【What is a Dit Da?】

【What is Dit Da?】 Ti… read more 【What is a Dit Da?】

Dit da on-site service

【Dit da on-site serv… read more Dit da on-site service

Chronic pain Relief and treatment is a comprehensive medical service. It covers various pain-related conditions, including chronic pain.

Types and classifications of pain

Pain types Pain type… read more Types and classifications of pain

腰酸背痛點算好如果唔想惡化快快找【跌打醫師】(Ditda Master)治療一下吧!

[Back and Back Chiropractic, Bone Reposition, Relieving Massage]

What is good for low… read more [Back and Back Chiropractic, Bone Reposition, Relieving Massage]

中元堂痛症專家, 治療全身痛症,濕疹,提供上門跌打按摩

[Farewell to shoulder and neck pain treatment]

告別肩頸酸痛 療程 你試過肩頸易累,頭暈… read more [Farewell to shoulder and neck pain treatment]

中醫旺角推薦,中醫師專治婦科生BB,濕疹食療,跌打敷藥 - 中元堂

Traditional Chinese Medicine Service

Master Bone Clinic C… read more Traditional Chinese Medicine Service

Dit Da recommended – ?Master Bone Clinic customer success stories?

【A collection of rec… read more Dit Da recommended – ?Master Bone Clinic customer success stories?

Orthopedic chiropractic reduction pain price list

Orthopedic chiropractic reduction pain price list

Master Bone Clinic b… read more Orthopedic chiropractic reduction pain price list