The orthopedic doctor said that the sequelae of cervical spine and bone fracture reduction, cervical disc displacement.

Cervical spine

Understanding Your Cervical Spine: A Comprehensive Guide

What is the Cervical Spine?

The cervical spine, often referred to as the neck, is a complex structure made up of seven vertebrae that support your head and provide flexibility for movement. It’s a crucial part of your spinal column, housing the spinal cord and nerves that transmit signals to and from your brain.

Cervical Spine Anatomy

The cervical spine consists of:

  • Vertebrae: These are the individual bones that make up the spine. Each vertebra has a unique shape to allow for the neck’s range of motion.
  • Intervertebral discs: These act as cushions between the vertebrae, absorbing shock and allowing for movement.
  • Nerves: Spinal nerves branch out from the spinal cord through openings between the vertebrae, controlling movement and sensation in the head, neck, arms, and hands.
  • Muscles and ligaments: These soft tissues support the spine and facilitate movement.

Why is the Cervical Spine Important?

The cervical spine plays a vital role in:

  • Supporting the head: It bears the weight of your head and allows for various head movements.
  • Protecting the spinal cord: The spinal cord runs through a central canal in the cervical spine, protected by the vertebrae and surrounding tissues.
  • Facilitating movement: The cervical spine allows you to nod, turn your head, and bend your neck.

Common Cervical Spine Issues

A number of conditions can affect the cervical spine, including:

  • Cervical radiculopathy: This occurs when a herniated disc or bone spur compresses a nerve root, causing pain, numbness, or weakness in the arm or hand.
  • Cervical spondylosis: This is a degenerative condition that causes wear and tear on the spinal discs and joints.
  • Whiplash: A sudden, forceful back-and-forth movement of the head can cause a whiplash injury.
  • Cervical spine fractures: These can occur due to trauma, such as a car accident or fall.

Diagnostic Imaging

To diagnose cervical spine conditions, doctors often rely on imaging tests, such as:

  • X-rays: These provide detailed images of the bones in the spine.
  • MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging creates detailed images of the soft tissues, including the spinal cord and nerves.

Treatment Options

Treatment for cervical spine conditions depends on the underlying cause and severity. Options may include:

  • Physical therapy: Exercises and stretches can help strengthen the neck muscles and improve flexibility.
  • Medications: Pain relievers and muscle relaxants may be prescribed to alleviate symptoms.
  • Spinal injections: Corticosteroids or other medications can be injected into the spine to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Cervical spine surgery: In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to correct structural problems or relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.


To help prevent cervical spine problems, it’s important to:

  • Maintain good posture: Avoid slouching and maintain a neutral spine.
  • Strengthen your neck muscles: Regular exercise can help strengthen the muscles that support your neck.
  • Practice stress management: Stress can contribute to muscle tension and pain.
  • Use proper lifting techniques: Avoid lifting heavy objects with your back.

Cervical spine

—Upper cervical spine displacement: usually refers to the displacement of the 1st to 3rd cervical vertebrae. When this part of the cervical spine is displaced, the patient’s head tends to tilt. If it is only unilaterally displaced, the head will tilt toward the healthy side. Additionally, patients may experience neck pain and stiffness. Since the position of the upper cervical vertebrae is closely adjacent to the brainstem, displacement can easily affect the vital centers in the brainstem. If accompanied by spinal cord injury, it may affect the respiratory center and cause the patient to die within a short period of time. If the nerve damage is transient, there may be temporary paralysis or weakness of the limb, but this usually improves quickly. Some patients may also experience symptoms such as quadriplegia, incontinence, and difficulty breathing.

—Lower cervical spine displacement: usually refers to the displacement of the 4th to 6th cervical vertebrae. When this part of the cervical spine is displaced, the patient will feel neck pain and the range of motion of the cervical spine will be limited. The head may be forced to stay in one position with a slight forward head deformity. The neck muscles may spasm, along with widespread tenderness. If the lower cervical spine is displaced and combined with spinal cord injury, the patient may experience varying degrees of paralysis or related nerve root pain symptoms. When the injury occurs above the cervical level, patients may also be at risk for respiratory dysfunction, and breathing may become shallow, slow, or lose its normal rhythm. In the early stages of injury, patients may die from respiratory failure.



Cervical spine symptoms

Symptoms of cervical vertebra dislocation can lead to relative stenosis of the spinal canal, which in turn compresses the spinal cord, nerve roots or vertebral arteries, causing corresponding nervous system dysfunction. Common symptoms of patients include neck soreness and swelling, especially in the back of the neck. Radicular pain may occur in one upper limb, accompanied by numbness, hypersensitivity, or decreased sensation. In severe cases, muscle weakness may occur.

If the spinal cord is significantly compressed, the patient may experience decreased muscle strength in both lower limbs, difficulty walking, a feeling of cotton in the feet, decreased sensation in the skin below the chest, and a banding sensation in the chest and abdomen. If the spinal cord is completely compressed, it may lead to severe symptoms such as paralysis of the trunk or lower limbs, fecal incontinence, and the following symptoms of cervical spine dislocation:

The orthopedic doctor said that the sequelae of cervical spine and bone fracture reduction, cervical disc displacement.


Dizziness caused by cervical spine

Dizziness caused by cervical spine displacement is usually caused by disordered displacement of the cervical facet joints, which causes the blood vessels around the cervical spine to be stimulated and compressed, causing vasospasm, which in turn leads to insufficient blood supply to the brain.

It is recommended that patients use cervical traction and braking, and use a neck girth or cervical collar to protect the cervical spine to help stabilize the cervical spine. At the same time, you can consider using some drugs that activate blood circulation, remove blood stasis, expand blood vessels, and improve circulation to improve the blood supply to the brain.

In addition, physical therapy such as hot compresses on the cervical spine, infrared irradiation, and ultrashort waves can help relax muscles, reduce muscle and blood vessel spasm, and thereby improve dizziness symptoms. For patients with severe dizziness symptoms, drugs such as flunarizine can be used to improve symptoms.


Cervical spine pain symptoms

Cervical vertebra displacement, paralysis of hands and feet. Displacement of the cervical spine and numbness of the hands and feet can cause the nerves or spinal cord around the cervical spine to be compressed, which can lead to symptoms of numbness in the hands and feet. This is because misalignment of the cervical spine may change the normal physiological curvature of the cervical spine, causing pressure on the nerves or spinal cord.


Cervical spine displacement tinnitus

Tinnitus often occurs due to cervical spine displacement. When the cervical spine is misaligned, it may cause compression on the nerves, thereby affecting blood circulation in the neck. Impaired blood supply to the neck may cause tinnitus. In addition, cervical bone hyperplasia caused by long-term cervical spondylosis or improper sitting posture may also cause tinnitus.

For tinnitus caused by cervical spine lesions, the first priority of treatment is to restore the normal physiological position of the cervical spine to reduce the compression of nerves and blood vessels. This may involve methods such as cervical traction, physical therapy, or surgery.


Symptoms of cervical spine disorders

Symptoms of cervical spine disorders: The sequelae of cervical spine displacement can lead to cervical spine pain, which is often severe and affects the movement of the cervical spine or the range of motion of the cervical spine, including limitation of cervical spine flexion, extension, and rotation. Therefore, we must find a professionally qualified Chinese medicine practitioner to perform cervical spine displacement reduction.


Cervical spine reduction

Cervical spine reduction: Cervical spine traction is a commonly used treatment method, mainly used to treat cervical spine muscle spasm caused by cervical spine lesions, cervical spine degenerative diseases, cervical disc herniation, degenerative osteoarthritis and other diseases. Cervical spine lesions can be treated with traction in most patients.

The function of cervical spine displacement reduction is to expand the intervertebral foramen and intervertebral space, thereby reducing nerve root irritation or compression pain caused by injury, degeneration, or disc herniation. Through traction, muscles can be relaxed, muscle spasms can be relieved, inflammation can be eliminated, and symptoms of cervical spondylosis can be further alleviated.



Cervical vertebrae displacement

Cervical vertebra displacement and snap bone is a term used by Hong Kong people. It is named because there is a “pop” sound during bone setting reduction. The cervical vertebra displacement and reduction mentioned above are the same.



Cervical spine treatment

Cervical spine treatment is usually caused by factors such as lowering your head for a long time, poor posture, etc. Treatment methods for cervical spine displacement mainly include conservative treatment, massage therapy and surgical treatment.


Conservative treatment of cervical spine displacement

Conservative treatment of cervical spine displacement is suitable for mild cervical spine displacement and early-stage disease. The main methods include:
Neck rest: Avoid bowing your head for long periods of time and overusing your neck, and maintain correct posture.
Warm and cold compresses: Warm compresses can help promote blood circulation and relieve neck pain; cold compresses can reduce inflammation and muscle spasms.
Cervical traction: Traction of the cervical spine through external force to reduce pressure and improve cervical spine displacement.

Cervical spine displacement massage treatment

Cervical spine displacement massage treatment is suitable for patients with moderate cervical spine displacement and more serious conditions. Methods include:
Neck massage and massage therapy: Massage and physical therapy are used to relax the neck muscles, promote blood circulation, and relieve pain caused by cervical spine displacement.
Cervical spine extension and correction: Stretch and correct under the guidance of a professional physical therapist to adjust the position of the cervical spine and improve cervical spine displacement.


Cervical spine displacement surgery

Cervical spine displacement surgery is suitable for patients with severe cervical spine displacement who have failed conservative treatment and massage therapy. Surgical methods include:
Cervical spine fusion: The cervical vertebrae are stably fixed together through surgery to restore the stability of the cervical spine.
Cervical Artificial Intervertebral Fusion: Restoring the stability of the cervical spine by implanting an artificial intervertebral disc.
Cervical spine replacement surgery: Restoring the function of the cervical spine by implanting an artificial cervical spine.


Cervical spine displacement pillow

For people with poor cervical spine conditions, it is recommended to choose pillows made of thermally compressed foam pillow cores. The design shape of this pillow conforms to the normal physiological curve of the human body. Whether lying on your back or side, it can help the cervical spine and respiratory tract return to normal physiological curves. Its unique support, stability and softness are processed by high-temperature compression of a special sponge, making it the most suitable among various pillows and completely in line with ergonomic principles.


Displaced cervical disc herniation

Displaced cervical disc herniation can be caused by cervical disc degeneration caused by trauma, long-term strain and other factors. This degeneration will narrow the vertebral space and cause the cervical intervertebral disc to protrude outward, which will compress or irritate the surrounding nerves, blood vessels and organs, causing a series of corresponding symptoms.


Cervical vertebra displacement neck pain

Neck pain often occurs due to cervical spine displacement. When a patient experiences cervical spine displacement, it may cause compression of the spinal cord, causing nerve roots on both sides to be irritated. This results in a spectrum of clinical manifestations of nerve damage and compression symptoms. Patients may experience neck pain accompanied by radiating or electric shock-like pain in both shoulders and upper limbs. In addition, symptoms such as decreased skin sensation and weakened muscle strength may occur. These symptoms occur because the displacement of the cervical spine affects the normal function of the nerves, causing nerve conduction to be blocked or nerve roots to be irritated. In this case, timely treatment and rehabilitation are very important to relieve symptoms and restore neurological function.


Cervical spine Hong Kong price list

Bone Setting Clinic—Acupuncture ,Cupping,Massage,Bruises,Low back pain treatment,Headache Treatment,Shoulder and neck pain Treatment,Knee pain Treatment,Elbow pain treatment,Wrist pain treatment,Ankle pain treatment,Heel pain treatment,Back pain treatment,Cervical spine dislocation traetment,Foot pain treatment,Headache,Migraine,Torticollis,Neck Pain,Frozen shoulder,Tennis elbow,Golf elbow,Carpal tunnel syndrome,Low back pain,Sciatica,Disc Herniation,Bone Spur,Extremities Numbness,Osteoporosis,Scoliosis,Knee pain,Ankle pain,Degenerative osteoarthritis,Flat feet,Plantar Fasciitis,Pes Cavus,Hallux valgus,Metatarsalgia

Cervical spine prices
Bone Setting Clinic—Acupuncture ,Cupping,Massage,Bruises,Low back pain treatment,Headache Treatment,Shoulder and neck pain Treatment,Knee pain Treatment,Elbow pain treatment,Wrist pain treatment,Ankle pain treatment,Heel pain treatment,Back pain treatment,Cervical spine dislocation traetment,Foot pain treatment,Headache,Migraine,Torticollis,Neck Pain,Frozen shoulder,Tennis elbow,Golf elbow,Carpal tunnel syndrome,Low back pain,Sciatica,Disc Herniation,Bone Spur,Extremities Numbness,Osteoporosis,Scoliosis,Knee pain,Ankle pain,Degenerative osteoarthritis,Flat feet,Plantar Fasciitis,Pes Cavus,Hallux valgus,Metatarsalgia
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Cervical spine near me

Cervical spine Causeway Bay

Cervical spine Causeway Bay Master Bone Clinic Pain Treatment Centre (TCM)

Causeway Bay(Whatsapp)


中元堂(銅鑼灣醫舘)地址:銅鑼灣富明街1-5號寶富大樓3樓O室(么鳳樓上) Causeway Bay clinic address: Flat O 3/F, Po Foo Building, 1-5 Foo Ming St, Causeway Bay Google Map:


Cervical spine Mong Kok

Cervical spine Mong Kok Master Bone Clinic Pain Treatment Centre (TCM)

Mong Kok(Whatsapp)


中元堂(旺角醫舘)地址:九龍旺角西洋菜南街1A號百寶利商業中心11樓02及03室(港鐵旺角站E2出口或港鐵油麻地站A2出口) Mong Kok clinic address: Room 2 & 3, 11/F, Pakpolee Commercial Centre, 1A Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong Google Map:




Author: admin