TCM Acupuncture | Causeway Bay Acupuncture | Mong Kok Acupuncture | Tsim Sha Tsui Acupuncture | Wan Chai Acupuncture | Tin Hau Acupuncture | Jordan Acupuncture | Yau Ma Tei Acupuncture | Prince Edward Acupuncture
Looking for TCM Acupuncture? Causeway Bay Acupuncture | Mong Kok Acupuncture | Tsim Sha Tsui Acupuncture | Wan Chai Acupuncture | Tin Hau Acupuncture | Jordan Acupuncture | Yau Ma Tei Acupuncture | Prince Edward Acupuncture
Can I get a doctor’s medical leave certificate and receipt from my doctor?
Registered TCM practitioners should be able to handle all kinds of general bone injuries, muscle sprains, and muscle and bone injuries. Internal injuries caused by external forces (such as work injuries), muscles, bones, muscles, breathing difficulties (due to bone injuries), injuries to meridians, qi and blood, and internal organs can all be treated with bruises. As long as you have bruises, impact injuries, flash contusions, sprains, stress, trauma or muscle and muscle strains and other internal and external reasons, which lead to damage to the muscles, bones and organs, blockage of the meridians, and poor blood flow, you can give the doctor a medical leave certificate after diagnosis and receipts.
Tsim Sha Tsui Master Bone Clinic Pain Treatment Centre
Tsim Sha Tsui(Whatsapp)
中元堂(尖沙醫舘)地址:九龍尖沙咀北京道65至69號環球商業大廈7樓703室(港鐵尖沙咀站i squre 即H出口) Tsim Sha Tsui clinic address:Room 703, 7/F, UNIVERSAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING, No. 65-69, PEKING ROAD, TSIM SHA TSUI, KOWLOON Google
Causeway Bay Master Bone Clinic Pain Treatment Centre
Causeway Bay(Whatsapp)
中元堂(銅鑼灣醫舘)地址:銅鑼灣富明街1-5號寶富大樓3樓O室(么鳳樓上) Causeway Bay clinic address: Flat O 3/F, Po Foo Building, 1-5 Foo Ming St, Causeway Bay Google Map: